Exact Rank Hypothesis Tests


The exact rank hypothesis testing strategy is based on Algorithm 2 by Gandy & Scott (2021)[GS2021].


The ranks are computed by simulating a single Markov chain backward and forward. First, a random midpoint is simulated as

\[\begin{aligned} M \sim \mathrm{Uniform}(1,\;L), \end{aligned}\]

where $L = \texttt{n\_mcmc\_steps}$. Then, we simulate the Markov chain forward and backward as

\[\begin{alignat*}{3} \theta_{M-l} &\sim K\left(\theta_{L-l+1}, \cdot \right) \qquad &&\text{for}\; l = 1, \ldots, M-1 \\ \theta_{l} &\sim K\left(\theta_{l-1}, \cdot \right) \qquad &&\text{for}\; l = M+1, \ldots, L \end{alignat*}\]

forming the chain

\[\theta_1,\; \ldots, \; \theta_{M},\; \ldots, \; \theta_{L}.\]

The rank is the ranking of the statistics of $\theta_{M}$. If the sampler and the model are correct, the rank is uniformly distributed as long as the midpoint is independently sampled.

ExactRankTest(n_samples, n_mcmc_steps; n_mcmc_thin)

Exact rank hypothesis testing strategy for reversible MCMC kernels. Algorithm 2 in Gandy & Scott (2021).


  • n_samples::Int: Number of ranks to be simulated.
  • n_mcmc_steps::Int: Number of MCMC states to be simulated for simulating a single rank.
  • n_mcmc_thin::Int: Number of thinning applied to the MCMC chain.


  • pvalues: P-value computed for each dimension of the statistic returned from statistics.


This test requires the following functions for model and kernel to be implemented:

  • markovchain_transition
  • sample_joint

Furthermore, this test explicitly assumes the following

  • kernel is reversible.

For reference, the following kernels are reversible:

  • Any Metropolis-Hastings kernel
  • slice samplers
  • Hamiltonian Monte Carlo/No-U-Turn Samplers with resampling over the trajectory
  • random-scan/permutation-scan Gibbs samplers
  • Unadjusted Langevin

However, the following kernels are not reversible:

  • Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with persistent momentum (a.k.a Horowitz's method, generalized Hamiltonian Monte Carlo)
  • Systematic-scan Gibbs samplers
  • Piecewise deterministic Markov processes

Applying this test to an irreversible kernel will result in false negatives even if its stationary distribution is correct.

Keyword Arguments for Tests

When calling mcmctest or seqmcmctest, this tests has an additional keyword argument:

  • uniformity_test_pvalue: The p-value calculation strategy.

The default strategy is an $\chi^2$ test. Any function returning a single p-value from a uniformity hypothesis test will work. The format is as follows:



  • GS2021Gandy, A., & Scott, J. (2020). Unit testing for MCMC and other Monte Carlo methods. arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.06465.